Like officers everywhere, Tennessee police expect you to obey the highway safety laws, and they’re prepared to enforce them. They’re especially strict about open container violations, so think, do you really want to start the weekend in the slammer?
Law enforcement is looking out for your safety and want you to have a good time. Tell them thank you and trust that they want to get you onto the Farm more than anyone.
Please stay in your car, especially when you’re waiting in line to enter the festival. This is no time for hacky sack.
Bonnaroo is a friendly place. Don’t kill the vibe by cutting in line. You’ll be in soon, we promise.
How to deal with the inevitable traffic delays:
Fill up your tank before getting in line to enter the festival. There are no gas stations on-site. We suggest stopping and filling up when you’re still an hour or so away – things will get more crowded as you get closer.
Empty YOUR tank, too, before you arrive. There are no bathrooms in line.
Pack some snacks and nonalcoholic beverages (remember, arrival tip #1).